We currently only ship to the UK.
All orders placed at DoorstepDrip can expect to be received within 1-5 working days.
Every order is fulfilled with a tracking number which can be found in your dispatch email. Please check your junk / spam mail as this can end up here!
Rest assured the moment you place your order with us, a member of our team will contact you and keep you well updated throughout your orders journey to you.
If you are not available to receive the delivery, our shipping partner Royal Mail will attempt delivery on the next working day. If you are not home to receive your delivery our courier Royal Mail will take it back to your nearest post office ready for collection or you can book a redelivery through the tracking link.
If we are unable to fulfil your order within the delivery timeframe, we will let you know and issue a full refund ASAP. If there is a delay we will also let you know.
Thank you for shopping confidently with DoorstepDrip!